The government has identified that schools should promote the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Source : Promoting Fundamental British values as part of SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) in schools, November 14

Promoting these values means sometimes challenging opinions, and it is therefore important that through our provision we:

  • Enable learners to develop their self confidence
  • Enable learners to distinguish from right and wrong, and respect the law
  • Encourage learners to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions
  • Further tolerance and harmony between cultures and traditions by enabling learners to appreciate and respect other cultures
  • Encourage respect for democracy

The ways that we promote these values at Stephenson Studio School include:


We provide pupils with a broad general knowledge of, and promote respect for, public institutions and services (such as visits from local member of Parliament, Police and Crime Commissioner and local councillors who explain what they do). Our Personal Development Citizenship programmes have dedicated moral reasoning and respect strands which revisit topics in greater depth as students mature.

As part of the curriculum we provide regular opportunities for learners to persuade each other of something, and as a result learners have the opportunity to give a reasoned view. This is a key feature of our “real life” curriculum.

The Rule of Law

Our learners will encounter rules, regulations, standard operating procedures, accepted codes of practice and laws throughout their entire lives. We work to help students understand that whether those laws govern the class, the school, the neighbourhood or the country, they are set for a good reason and must be adhered to.

Our school rules are clear and understood by learners. They are discussed regularly in assemblies and tutor time and are consistently used by all staff.

Our behaviour policy is clear. It provides clear guidelines and promotes and understanding of respect, and of right and wrong. Learners are aware of consequences. Our Personal Development and Citizenship programme and assemblies make it clear to students what their rights and responsibilities are in a democracy governed by the rule of law. We use external visitors using real life stories to bring this set of issues to life.

Individual Liberty

One of our central aims is to ensure pupils develop their self-knowledge and self-esteem and confidence. This empowers our learners to demand and attain the individual liberty that they should expect. We use the CREATE framework developed by the Studio Schools Trust, which is reflected in all our lessons.

We work hard to ensure that learners receive feedback on their learning regularly, and are given opportunities to respond and self-improve. Our ethos is one of praise and celebration but also of holding learners to account for their choices. We teach that with liberty comes accountability and we stress earned autonomy.

The CREATE framework underpins all aspects of learning , and where an individual learner may need support in this area, it is provided via one to one support through coaching to enable that learner to flourish. The coaching is confidential apart from any disclosure that triggers safeguarding concerns. Within this framework learners are empowered to agree or not for information revealed in coaching to be discussed with teachers and parents etc. This is a profound expression of the individual liberty. We champion individual liberty through a strong focus on equality and diversity delivered in many ways but most particularly through the highly personalised coaching regime.

Individual liberty operates within a framework of checks and balances. We quickly challenge stereotypes and are quick to deal with any form of discriminatory behaviour. This includes anti bullying. Bullying or intolerance are not tolerated at Stephenson Studio School.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

We work hard to promote the respect of individual differences and to challenge stereotypes. We are a school that is only 12 miles away from one of the most multicultural cities in the UK and therefore Europe. We have worked with another local school to develop a diversity day that brings a wide range of cultures into our predominately white British context.

We work in an environment of mutual respect and understanding of each other. Prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour is challenged. We discuss differences between people, such as faith, gender, ethnicity, disability or sexuality. Our learners will (during their time with us) experience many different inputs on faith and culture.

Our assemblies cover a wide range of topics and cultures. We encourage our learners to look, think and comprehend beyond our school and town so that they are better able to develop themselves into future young leaders.